Simple Tips for a Happy Marriage

The journey after marriage is a totally different way men and women, compared to what it was before the wedding. Men and women think and act differently after marriage. Marriage is a new experience in which they can learn from their mistakes and this process can also be a good human being. Sometimes their previous relationships also teach you not to make the same mistakes in your marriage. However, even after very careful sometimes marriages fail. There are many issues that arise in the mind of a couple why their marriage fell apart? Therefore, it is very important to know that it's the simple things that you can avoid, and things you want in your marriage. 

Stay away from blaming each other 

There are times where the disagreement can arise in your marriage, this time, the only person you can control is "you" yourself. Married couples often put blame indirectly through harsh words or typical tone. For example, you can rewrite the sentence "There are so many dishes and have to clean it for me, as always" to "I feel so tired today, can you clean the dishes today?" The first sentence is a little reproachfully, while the second will probably get the desired response you want. Always try to communicate directly and with confidence in a pleasant tone, so you can make your partner feel appreciated and loved. Avoid indirect communication that creates a lot of confusion and puts the blame on the other person indirectly. 

Give regard to individual interests 

Even if you are a married couple, it does not mean you can not have different interests. You have your own hobby that can continue even after the wedding, you can have your own circle of friends and have a good time with them, you can practice a sport or any other activity of your choice, etc. Never lose your individuality and suffocate each other in marriage. After becoming parents life becomes busier with the responsibilities of children, work pressure, etc., it is very important that sometimes you should take a break from the monotonous routine and let your partner do the same too. This will not only make you happy as an individual, but also strengthen your bond with your partner. 

Discuss your finances 

Money is one of the reasons for the dispute in a marriage. Make sure you sit together once or twice a month to talk about the debt, tuition, savings, vacation plans and bills and everything about the costs and savings as well. Individual scores and credit reports will also be discussed together. This discussion will prevent accidents while making a joint purchase. You can record your financial goals and share them with your partner and plan to reach your goals together.

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