Why Marriage Counseling Doesn't Work Anymore

I never thought it could happen to you. But now that you're here today ... Faces the most important decision of your life. 

Regardless of the circumstances leading to the current state of your marriage, all of that does not matter. All that matters now is that you have to find a solution to your problems in a marriage. Desperately want to keep her family together, but the problem is - you want a solution that works. 

Most people think that when marriages take a turn for the worse, and the only solution is marriage counseling. 

But when you turn to the consultation, and focus on the behavior and work and practice. And indeed, it is very possible that you can do all the tricks and techniques and provided by your marriage counselor, and still end up unhappy and frustrated with others. Why? 

Pastor and marriage expert sections Gungor International is one of the best answers I've seen. It makes a wonderful point of this is just not enough listening. Here is what he said: 

"If your view of marriage is wrong, all the energy and strategy used (for example, our marriage would be better if we just change this or that) is doomed to failure ... you have to work on your marriage because you think is useful, not because you're trying to precious." 

Did you know that most marriage counselors do not think that their marriage is precious? Many of whom have already divorced, why they would consider marriage as more valuable than yours? 

They believe that marriage is just as durable and children are also. They believe that all couples are meant to be together, which is why they are very quick to give their marriage. 

Now I know that I make a generalization about all marriage counselors and I realize that there is a "renegade" marriage counselors who do not follow these beliefs. But on the basis of many of the "horror stories" of couples who have worked in recent years, these advisers are rare. 

What kind of "horror stories" you ask? Good question. 

I know this may be hard to believe, but most of the couples I've worked with over the years who participated in marriage counseling and actually told me his marriage counselor advised them to divorce! 

These couples attended marriage counseling because they wanted to save their marriage, do not know the "expert" that marriage is hopeless! 

In fact, it was recently statistics that 80% of marriages end in divorce could have been saved if the couple did not receive the necessary assistance they need for news. 

And over time ... Even if the divorce rate has remained our 50%, and the truth about couples therapy is gaining more exposure with new alternatives for marriage counseling bloom across the network. 

Now the real question that should be asked is ... 

If two of you do not believe that marriage is valuable and worth doing all the positive things that can make healthy again (couples therapy is not on the list), then what hope can be for your wedding?

Why do couples find themselves in the offices of marriage counselors, it is because they want someone to help them do what they are not able to do ... We believe that their marriage is precious. Talk to almost any couple who's marriage counselor and you agree. 

But the sad truth is that most marriage counselors simply do not believe that marriage itself is valuable. 

What it all boils down to this: 

Marriage counselors should take a closer look at the rate fiasco and realize that they do more harm than good. 

In the end, the real reason for his failure to save the marriage may have something to do with the training and education of young people.

Most people do not know this, but couples therapy as taught in universities is not marriage counseling at all. This is a treatment for people. 

80% of all advisers practice of marriage, especially in the United States, which carried out the treatment of marriage, however, only 12% in the profession requires them to take even during the treatment of couples (Dr. William J, Doherty Minneapolis, Minnesota) 

As a result, they prefer to work with each person individually, rather than as a couple.

So my advice to you is ...

If you think you see a marriage counselor, and take a different point of view. If your marital problems, and you're better off with a weekend seminar on marriage or marriage counseling wedding coach. 

In fact, do a quick search on Google for "alternative to marriage counseling." What you will find a variety of solutions that do not involve advice. And often these alternatives are less expensive, and less invasive and not emotionally - Contrary to what you'd find in many traditional couples therapy.

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