Traditional Marriage

Marriage is a special bond and union of two people . It can meet a couple of friends or relatives . If the couple in love and decide that they want to live the rest of their lives together , and just committed to each other , and they agree to marry . Couples who marry to sign a legal contract between them and join their lives together . To celebrate their marriage with a wedding ceremony and invite friends and family to join them on this special day , they begin their life together . Many cultures have different beliefs and rules , but the idea is the same - married couples agree to be faithful to each other , and respect each other and communicate .

A successful marriage accepts and respects the views of the other person . It is through marriage that combine forces to live their lives together . Many couples get married, and move to a home and a family. Many marriages go through difficult times , but the key is communication . Sometimes people do not talk about what is in his mind , and can ruin your marriage . Marriage is a relationship between two people who should be honored . Must be on the same page when it comes to jobs , finances, emotions and sex and parenthood.

These are some of the most important things when it comes to a union between two people . The use of marriage is a union between a man and a woman , but times have changed and gays need to be united in marriage across the state. Gays and lesbians want marriage and legal rights , and has succeeded in some of the United States. I have changed the traditional marriage and one male and one female marriages over the years.

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