The Natural Conch Pearls People Want

By Barbara Martin

Beautiful jewelry can be found all around the world. However, a rare and exquisite jewelry that is unique and only made in small quantities is not found all around the world. In fact it is highly sought after for this reason. If you are one of those people that likes to be set apart from the crowd and you want to a jewelry that no one else around you is wearing, then you will go to the ends of the to find it. Jewelry containing the natural conch pearls that are harvested in the Caribbean seem to be the latest craze in the world of jewelry.

This type of jewelry appeals to a certain class of people. It generally appeals to people who are rich and wealthy. Ultimately, it appeals to people who really enjoy using fancy things and don't mind paying the price for it. So it is safe to say that it appeals to the rich and wealthy and possibly even the famous.

These are basically harvested in the Caribbean. The waters in the Caribbean are warm waters. This basically means that they can be harvested throughout the year. So people who harvest them do it all year around. Ultimately, for every couple of thousands of these Queen conches that are harvested, less than 10% of them can be sold as is at the current quality.

They can be found in the warm waters of the Caribbean ocean. Nowhere else in the world would you find the Queen conch. So if you are looking for this type of precious stone, then you should be looking in the Caribbean ocean and nowhere else. This is mainly because the water is a warm and for some reason these snails enjoy living in warm water.

There are usually harvested all year around. Since they are located in the Caribbean waters which remain warm throughout the year, they can actually be harvested throughout the 12 months of the year. Ultimately, the amount that is harvested and worthy to be sold as excellent gyms, as very few.

That is why it is so sold off days because every 15,000 or so of these Queen conches that are harvested, less than 10% of them can be sold as precious stones. This is mainly because of the quality that varies amongst each and everyone. Ultimately, this is one of the reasons why it is also so sought after and unique.

Although they are not harvested from clams and oysters, people still refer to them as a pearl. But technically they are not. If you are prepared to pay the price for these precious stones, you will have to fork out a small fortune. However if money is not an issue for you then the should not be a problem anyway.

So if you are interested in purchasing one of these gems for yourself, you should consider searching far and wide for them. Prepare yourself for the amount that you quoted for piece of jewelry containing these gems, because it could give you a heart attack if you are not completely prepared for it. Ultimately this is what you really want then you should be prepared to pay the asking price.

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