Hong Kong Girls: Truths And Non-Truths

By Arielle W.

If you are dating a Hong Kong girl, I guess the last thing you want to experience is your girlfriend is another gold digger. Today, we want to show you some small tips and hope it's helpful for you.

It's not your fault that if you are always influenced by your emotion. Say, if you are really in love with a Hong Kong woman, you might want to buy whatever she wants. But it's still crucial to look at some facts if you are serious about long term relationship. Keep reading!

Your Hong Kong girl lives above her financial status? Again you will hear lots about stories like this. In fact, many HK girls will be spending large percentage of her salary for some branded goods. You should be able to tell the difference if she is paying those expensive bags by themselves or, expect you to pay for her.

Is She Another Designer Hong Kong Girl?You do not need to look at her credit bills. If she is only making 10 K per month, but she is constantly having different expensive handbags, then you might need to watch out. Although I do not think she will ask you to pay for it at the beginning, you and her will pay for the bill altogether if you are married to her in the future.

Healthy relationship needs both parties input. It's not fare to anyone if you are just taking and taking. No matter it's money, affection or gifts. Want to hear some extreme examples? A lady stopped to date her boyfriend after he wants to talk about to share the bill. If what she wants is about money, then you know how to make the decision right?

What if your Hong Kong girlfriend asks you for a big purchase? What does that mean by a big purchase? Part of Chinese traditional is to buy an apartment before getting married. Of course it's no problem if you are both on the same page and serious about the relationship. But if you only have known her couple of weeks and she has already mentioned about property purchase, then I don't need to mention about the outcomes, right?

To be fair, it's easier for me to say then actually do it. Trust me I know. But the bottom line is you need to understand about your life partner before you make the decision for the next step.

This is extremely important for any international relationship.

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